

1. Hillary Clinton 16%

2. Sarah Palin 15%(莎拉.培林:前阿拉斯加州州長、2008年美國總統大選共和黨副總統候選人)

3. Oprah Winfrey 8%(歐普拉:美國脫口秀節目主持人)

4. Michelle Obama 7%(蜜雪兒.歐巴馬:美國第一夫人)

5. Condoleezza Rice 2%(康朵莉莎.萊絲:前美國國務卿,第一位擔任此職務之非裔女性)

5. Queen Elizabeth 2%(英國女王伊莉莎白二世)

7. Margeret Thatcher 1% (柴契爾夫人,前英國首相)

7. Maya Angelou 1%(瑪雅.安哲羅,美國知名傳記作者、詩人)



1. Barack Obama 30% (歐巴馬,現任美國總統、第一位非裔美國總統)

2. George W. Bush 4%(小布希,前任美國總統)

3. Nelson Mandela 3%(曼德拉,南非人權鬥士、前任南非總統,亦為南非首位民選總統)

4. Glenn Beck 2%(葛倫.貝克,美國廣播、電視節目主持人、保守派政治名嘴、企業家)

4. Pope Benedict XVI 2%(教宗本篤十六世,本名Joseph Alois Ratzinger)

4. Rev. Billy Graham 2%(葛培理,美國基督教美南浸信會牧師,美國當代著名基督教福音布道家,第二次世界大戰之後福音派教會的代表人物之一)

4. Bill Gates 2%(比爾蓋茲,微軟公司創辦人、前微軟公司董事長)

Poll: Americans most admire Obama, Clinton, Palin

by Susan Page, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — President Obama is the man Americans admired most in 2009, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, while Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin are virtually tied as the most-admired woman.

The close finish by Clinton, named by 16% in the open-ended survey, and Palin, named by 15%, reflects the nation's partisan divide. Clinton was cited by nearly 3 in 10 Democrats but only 6% of Republicans, Palin by a third of Republicans but less than 1% of Democrats.

Obama dominates the field among men at 30%, though his support also shows a partisan split. He was named by more than half of Democrats but just 7% of Republicans.

INTERACTIVE MAP: Readers review Obama's year

While the president's job-approval rating has eroded during his first year in office, his standing as the most-admired man demonstrates "a very strong fan base," says Frank Newport, Gallup's editor in chief. The only past presidents to score higher were George W. Bush in 2001, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, and John Kennedy in 1961.

First lady Michelle Obama ranks as the fourth most-admired woman, behind Oprah Winfrey.

The survey, taken by Gallup almost every year since 1948, shows the nation's broad judgment — and name recall — of politicians, popes and talk-show hosts. Presidents often lead the list, though as president-elect, Obama swamped Bush in 2008. This year, as last, Bush finished a distant second.

South African leader Nelson Mandela is third and conservative commentator Glenn Beck fourth. Evangelist Billy Graham, who has been on the top-10 list every year the survey has been taken since 1955, is sixth, just after Pope Benedict XVI.

Among women, Clinton continues an unprecedented 17-year run as the first or second most-admired woman. She first led the list in 1993 as first lady and has held the top spot for the past eight years as a New York senator and, now, the nation's top diplomat. She lost a bid for the Democratic nomination last year. Palin was the GOP vice presidential nominee.

Among men, former president Bill Clinton ties for 10th with Tiger Woods, the golfer engulfed in scandal. Elin Nordegren Woods, the athlete's wife, ties with German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the ninth most-admired woman.

The poll of 1,025 adults, taken Dec. 11-13, has a margin of error of +/–4 percentage points.

Over the years, the list has reflected women's changing roles. In 1948, the top-10 list included presidential daughter Margaret Truman and Princess Elizabeth of England as well as their mothers. Only one, former House member Clare Boothe Luce, had held elective office.

Now, it includes three current or former heads of state, two U.S. secretaries of State, a former governor and a writer, Maya Angelou.


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